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About Us

Opening times 

Monday to Friday

9:00-3:30pm daily (weekly total 32.5 hours)

The start of the day

The school gates are open at 8:45am for the children to be dropped at the school gate and go onto the playground. Mrs Hutchins and school staff are on duty in the morning to welcome children into school and speak to parents.

The end of the day 

At the end of the day the children are taken to the bottom of the pathway  to be collected by parents/carers. Staff are available at the end of the day to happily speak to parents/carers.

3:25pm EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Robins and Swallows)

3:30pm Key Stage 2 (Kingfishers and Kestrels)

During our morning and afternoon breaks, pupils all play on the playground. We use the grounds to ensure the children have access as much as possible to the activities including the hard court for games, tennis, football etc at lunchtimes as well as zones set up for games and practical apparatus for them.

Breaks: 10:30am and 2:30pm

Lunchtime for all pupils is between 12:00noon and 1.00pm

About Us

We are a small rural primary school in the heart of a farming community in a delightful location with views across Morecambe Bay to the Lakeland Hills.  We are situated approximately 6km NW of Garstang and 9km S of Lancaster, easily accessible from both directions and we have safe drop-off area for children.  We strive to provide an excellent standard of education for our children which is broad and balanced, exciting and innovative and in an environment where each child feels safe, valued and cared for.

A Breakfast and After School Club is run by Cockerham Kids Club in the school hall. Please see the section for Cockerham kids club Home Page for more information.

We are pleased to say that the Ofsted inspection June 2022 judged our school as: Good

Cockerham Parochial is a happy and caring school. Staff provide a warm welcome for pupils and parents at the start of the day. Pupils know that the staff care about them and want them to do well. Parents appreciate this nurturing environment. They say that it helps their children to thrive. Ofsted 2020

Pupils’ personal development is promoted well. Pupils take part in a wide range of sporting clubs. They know that exercise keeps them fit and healthy. Older pupils take on many responsibilities. They run the library and help younger pupils choose a library book. They complete a hygiene certificate so that they can help serve food at lunchtime. Ofsted 2020

Children settle into the Reception class quickly and are eager to learn. Ofsted 2022

Staff are proud to work at Cockerham Parochial. Ofsted 2022