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Charity work

Water Aid 2023-24 - Grand total £524.50

WOW well done everyone. What an amazing total for our chosen charity this year.

Thanks you to everyone who has baked, brought in donations and contributed to this total.

The children and the school community should be proud of this achievement. The funds will be sent to Water Aid and will make a huge impact on those who really need support.


Summer 2024 fund raising letter

Dear parents/carers

We are writing to you on behalf of our school council and worship team who alongside the children in school. We have recently decided after talking together that we would like to have Water Aid as our charity for this year. We have arranged for a member of the Water Aid team to come into school to lead an assembly with the whole school and then afterwards talk to us about the work they do and how we can support this with our fund raising.

In order to start this charity work off we have decided to have a series of ‘Christmas jumper days’ in school. These will be on the 4 Fridays in December starting this week (December 1st).

We are inviting everyone to wear a Christmas item; jumper, top, socks, scarf, headband, tinsel, reindeer ears etc for the day alongside our normal school uniform. This will be at a cost of 50p per child or £1 per family (cousins do not count!) If you do not want to do every week then that is fine and you will need to be in full school uniform. Please DO NOT go out and buy especially as we do not want you to feel you need new things to wear. We are trying to recycle and be creative while fund raising.

In addition to this we are asking for donations of previous worn Christmas items to be donated to school so we can hold a fund-raising sale in school for other children to buy and reuse. These funds will also go into our school Water Aid fund raise. We are holding the newly new Christmas sale on Thursday 7th December and so will need donation before then to get them organised. We will be on the school gate with a box for these donations in a morning.

Please help us to support our chosen charity with this starting event.

Kind regards

Macie and Matty

School Ambassadors