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Parents Teachers and Friends Association - working in partnership to raise funds for our children

Amy Creed  Chair

Louise Baldwin

Hazel Wilson

Val Hoyles Treasurer


Meetings are held regularly to discuss fund raising. EVERYONE is welcome; please join us at our regular meetings.



To raise funds for school the PTFA are having a collection of good quality clothing, shoes, and bags etc

On Wednesday 6th Dec.

Please drop off re-useable items at the main door of Cockerham Village Hall in sealed plastic bags on Wednesday 6th Dec 7am-9am (Or Tuesday 5th Dec after 3pm)

Christmas Fair

Friday 24th November 5pm-7pm at Cockerham Primary School

Please come and help support Cockerham School’s Christmas Fair. This has always been the PTFA’s biggest fundraiser.

We need help to collect items for our stalls:

  • Chocolate Tombola – Selection boxes, tins/tubes of chocolates etc.
  • Cake Stall/kitchen – homemade cakes, biscuits, mince pies etc.
  • Bottle Tombola – bottles – any size, shape, or content – alcohol, bubble bath, drinks etc.
  • Coloured Tombola – Red/Blue/Green/Yellow items
  • Raffle Prizes.
  • Good quality teddies.
  • Christmas Jumpers.

Please send any items except cakes into school before Thursday 23rd November.

Please bring cakes on Friday morning.

PLUS, lots of other stalls and games throughout the evening including a chance to purchase crafts made by the children at school.

We will be offering refreshments and food from the kitchen, hot dogs, burgers, pizzas.

AND Father Christmas has even promised us a visit!!!

Please come along and support your school.

We need your help to raise funds so we can continue supporting school in giving our children extra resources for their learning and help fund bigger projects around the school.

We need helpers for the stalls at the fair, setting up on Friday afternoon and tidying up afterwards. Please speak to Amy, Val, Louise, Hazel or Gillian ASAP.

If any parents with a business or you know any businesses that would be willing to donate a raffle prize, then they would be gratefully received.

Thank you for your support.

Cockerham School PTFA