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Dear Parent/Carer and friends of school,

On behalf of the Governors and staff and children may I extend to you a warm welcome to Cockerham Parochial Church of England Primary School. We are a rural church school with a distinctive Christian ethos and close links with St Michael and All Angels Church and the local community.

OFSTED and SIAMS GOOD in all areas where children: "benefit from the positive relationships that they enjoy with each other and with staff. Pupils said that they trust that staff will listen to their concerns and worries. This helps them to feel happy and safe at school."

Growing in knowledge

Growing in faith

Growing in God's love


At Cockerham Parochial Church of England Primary School our intention is to develop happy young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity and respect for others.  Pupils learn to take responsibility for themselves, their actions and for the environment. Through developing the ability to challenge themselves, take risks and persevere, we encourage them to develop the knowledge, skills, resilience and adaptability which will equip them to thrive in a rapidly changing world and contribute to the well-being of their community and wider society. Through careful planning which follows the National Curriculum, we aim to equip our pupils with the skills, knowledge, enthusiasm and interest to develop a lifelong love of learning. An engaging and creative approach with rich and varied experiences which includes learning beyond the classroom, making learning memorable. Thus enabling every child to achieve and flourish in all areas of school life. This is underpinned by our school's Christian vision:

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. Philippians 4:13

‘Where a love of learning grows.’


Curriculum work at Cockerham OFSTED 2023:

"ensured that the revised curriculums are ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND. Leaders have considered the important knowledge that pupils should learn from the Reception Year to the end of key stage 2. They have ensured that teachers have had the training and support they need to teach the curriculum well."

Cockerham School works in close partnership with parents as we recognise the vital importance of a positive and mutually supportive link between school and home. Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening. We welcome your involvement in all aspects of school life. Your help and support play a vital part in the education of your child. We are always happy to talk to you about your child's achievements and progress.  Monthly newsletters and our school website, class and year group pages will keep you up to date with school activities. We use text messages, emails and Tapestry to communicate with parents and this also allows us to share the children's work and successes with you.

I look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school family and would be very happy to speak to you about our school if you require more information.

With kind regards

Mrs Hutchins
