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Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage is the stage in your child's learning from birth to 5 years old. This is the time in school that we call Reception. In your child's first year at school we aim to prepare the children for the rest of their school career. Children will have a range of experiences and opportunities to gain everyday skills and develop in a variety of areas of learning. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Our early years curriculum is broken up into six half termly topics based upon the children’s interests and needs.

Children in the early years are taught through short adult led sessions and are then encouraged to develop and practise their taught skill through a wealth of opportunities set up in the continuous provision. All of our continuous provision areas are enhanced on a weekly basis, sometimes even every couple of days, to ensure that children remain motivated, happy and excited to learn. Taught sessions include phonics, mental maths, literacy, reading and a focused activity that changes on a daily basis There is a strong emphasis on the three prime areas which are most essential for children’s healthy development. These areas are: communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. Learning in the specific areas of literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design build upon learning in the prime areas.