The Forest Garden
Our Forest School takes place in the Forest Garden and aims to:
- reconnect children with nature supporting the development of their relationship with the natural world through engaging with nature through all the senses, noticing and appreciating the beauty of nature. Research shows that the closer we get to nature, the happier we are, the more worthwhile life seems, and the more we are willing to take action to help wildlife and the environment.
- reignite their creativity, curiosity, resilience and build confidence as we promote the physical, social, communication and emotional aspects of our children. Inspire them to seek opportunities to experience and celebrate the beauty of nature and to explore our personal and cultural stories and nature’s meaning to us.
- rewild ourselves, our school and our community through learning about and how to care for our well-being, nature and ecology; seeking opportunities to help nature and to improve biodiversity. Activating the emotions by seeking moments of awe and calm in nature and being aware of these feelings.
National Trust Things to do before you are 11 3/4 - Why not complete some of these activities at home?
Autumn 2
Kingfishers Class took to the Forest Garden to learn new skills. They used spotters to classify leaves and work out the names of the trees in our school grounds. This took careful examination of the leaves and branches and some deliberation!
They played team games to build their team working and communication skills.
The storm was here but we braved the weather and set up in the Forest Room. We learnt about fire and tool safety and used peelers to whittle a stick and then had the opportunity to show our new skills by adopting the safe kneeling position and toasting a marshmallow. Yum!
We have begun to make our Christmas decorations: whittling wood, making designs using the soldering iron and decorating.
We were engrossed in our tracker game, taking full advantage of the leaves scattered from our trees, to create tracks for the rest of the group to find us.
Our next session we practised tying a Double Hitch knot. This took careful listening and perseverance but the children were determined and tied the knot. Some were so determined to learn the new skills they practised and practised! We played a teamwork game called 'Catch the Knot.'
We learnt to use the Bow saw safely and worked with a partner to cut a wooden cookie. We looked at the work of the artist Goldsworthy and created some creative pieces of art in pairs considering balance, design and colour.
Our final session of the year! We made our own pizzas and cooked them on the fire. We played team work and communication games.
December Kingfisher Forest Garden Cookery
Kestral Class in The Forest Garden
Kestral Class learnt about the safe kneeling position. They played communication games using listening skills and toasted marshmallows and popcorn around the fire. They encouraged each other to learn how to light cotton wool using flint and steel.
Year 2 & 3 Tree and Leaves Experience
Natural Art - The Nativity
Group 2 in the Forest Garden
Autumn 1
This term we have had great fun in The Forest Garden and learnt lots! We have learnt about Forest School etiquette, fire pit safety and safe kneeling positions. We have learnt about the fire triangle and used a flint and steel to light a cotton piece. We have started to learn whittling skills and created our own skewer to toast a marshmallow over the fire.
We have been learning how to use a Bow saw safely and cut some wood cookies for future crafts. We have been closely looking at leaves to identify the tree in our Forest Garden.
We have played lots of team-building and communication games too. But, most of all, we have loved being outside and having an opportunity to connect with nature.
Kingfishers Class in the Forest Garden
Forest Garden begins!