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Curriculum Intent & Implementation Statement

Cockerham Curriculum Intent

At Cockerham Parochial Church of England Primary School our intention is to develop happy young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity and respect for others.  Pupils learn to take responsibility for themselves, their actions and for the environment. Through developing the ability to challenge themselves, take risks and persevere, we encourage them to develop the knowledge, skills, resilience and adaptability which will equip them to thrive in a rapidly changing world and contribute to the well-being of their community and wider society. Through careful planning which follows the National Curriculum, we aim to equip our pupils with skills, knowledge, enthusiasm and interest to develop a lifelong love of learning. An engaging and creative approach, rich and varied experiences, which includes learning beyond the classroom, making learning memorable. Thus enabling every child to achieve and flourish in all areas of school life. This is underpinned by our school Christian vision:

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. Philippians 4:13

‘Where a love of learning grows.’

Through our Christian ethos and values, we encourage pupils to be ambitious, achieve their aspirations and become the best they can be. We celebrate the uniqueness of individuals and promote the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all within a harmonious, enabling, and empowering whole school family.

In our recent SIAMS report the inspector recorded the following about our revised curriculum:

The vision to grow in knowledge has resulted in a recent redesign of the wider curriculum. Pupils are animated and enthused by the variety and relevance of topics they now explore. The school has considered how to celebrate diversity within the context of village life. This weaves together with a commitment to support pupils’ understanding of the global community in which they live. The use of ‘big questions’ across the curriculum develops curiosity and promotes deep thinking about disadvantage and injustice. It is leading pupils into social action. Some pupils articulate how recent learning on slums in Brazil has changed the way they value food. As a result, pupils have selected to support a local food bank as their charity this year. Leaders constantly review the curriculum and consider how it leads to pupil progress and flourishing. Consequently, the wider curriculum makes a considerable impact on pupils’ character development.